October 25, 2021
Pawsible is launching the first-ever scholarship for volunteer puppy raisers volunteering with any assistance dog organization. The Pawsible Academic Puppy Raiser Scholarship (“Pawsible Scholarship”) is Pawsible’s newest program providing academic financial support to student volunteers raising future assistance dogs.

The new Pawsible program was created to alleviate some of the financial stress that student volunteer puppy raisers face. The Pawsible Scholarship award helps by putting $2,500 towards recipients' academic expenses, as volunteer puppy raising can be expensive and cost anywhere from $400 to over $2,000 a year depending on the volunteer program.
Through the Pawsible Academic Puppy Raiser Scholarship (“Pawsible Scholarship”), ten volunteer puppy raisers will receive scholarships in 2022 for higher education tuition and expenses. Applications for the inaugural Spring 2022 cycle will be open from October 1 through November 5, 2021, and winners will be notified by December 1, 2021.
Those raising future service dogs on a volunteer basis for any assistance dog organization are eligible to apply for the Pawsible Scholarship. The recipients will be selected based on expressed financial need and their responses to two short essay questions regarding their experience as a volunteer puppy raiser.
Five recipients will be selected to receive a $2,500 scholarship for the Spring 2022 application cycle. Of the five scholarships to be awarded this cycle, one will be awarded to an applicant identifying as a racial or ethnic minority, in alignment with Pawsible’s mission to promote equity in puppy raising. Scholarship funds will go directly towards educational expenses at the recipients’ chosen 2 or 4-year higher education institution.
The Pawsible Scholarship Fund: On October 1st, 2021 the Pawsible Scholarship Fund was established to fund Pawsible Scholarships through 2022 and beyond. Thanks to a generous $25,000 grant from anonymous donors, the ten $2,500 have been fully funded for the 2022 calendar year. Donations to the Pawsible Scholarship Fund go directly to providing additional scholarships in 2023. For more information about donating to this fund please visit

Since its inception in 2019, Pawsible has awarded over $12,000 worth of financial support to volunteer puppy raisers across the United States. For more information on Pawsible, puppy raising, and how to get involved or donate, please visit
About Pawsible
Pawsible is a nonprofit founded in 2019 to support volunteer puppy raisers financially and as a community. We help change lives by supporting the individuals and organizations helping to provide assistance dogs to those with disabilities.